Proper care of your dentures is not only essential to your oral health, but can extend the life of your dentures!
Below are some general guidelines for denture patients to consider.
At Oakridge Denture & Implant Centre, we are pleased to sell professional strength NuDent (TM) denture cleaner Dr. B’s (TM) denture cleaner solution and pastes, for removal of biofilm.
When you are removing your dentures, it is best to use both hands to take them out – especially if you have an implant retained or partial denture. This can prevent you from torqueing your implants/attachments or portions of your partial denture, and will also alleviate you putting undue pressure onto the remaining structures in your mouth (such as teeth and jaw bone).
It is also best to remove your dentures over a sink full of water or a folded towel so that if you happen to drop your dentures they will just splash in the water or land on the towel, rather than hitting the sink or floor which could result in tooth/denture breakage.
Dentures require daily cleaning.
Many foods and drinks can stain the denture teeth and the bases and, additionally, our own saliva can cause buildup of plaque onto the dentures; just like on natural teeth.
Daily care will usually remove the stains and prevent a buildup on your dentures. As well, it will remove food particles on the dentures which, if left, can lead to odour and tissue irritation in your mouth.
It is recommended that you brush your dentures with a soft brush made for dentures, and use either liquid dish or hand soap or a denture paste which is less abrasive then regular toothpaste. Hold your dentures carefully with your fingers when cleaning – do not hold them in the palm of your hand, because if they slip, your natural reaction will be to squeeze your hand to catch them. This could lead to denture breakage or bending if it is a partial denture.
For stubborn stains or buildup, use denture cleaners that are available in stores or at our office. Do not leave your dentures in these cleaners for extended periods of time, and do not use bleach to clean your dentures!
While your dentures are out of your mouth, use a soft normal tooth brush to gently brush your gums in your mouth. This will help to stimulate the tissues, remove dead tissue cells and debris, thereby improving the general health in your mouth.
Implant retained dentures require additional care. For additional information on implant denture care, please click here.
If you have implant retained dentures or partial dentures, you have some additional cleaning that needs to be done in order to extend the life of your teeth and/or dental implants.
Both of these type of dentures fit onto structures that are always in your mouth, and those structures are prone to buildup of plaque and staining.
Implants and natural teeth need to be regularily cleaned professionally by a Dental Hygienist.
Your provider will recommend to you how often this should be done, as it will be specific to each patient; some require cleaning more often then others.
If you have a Titanium partial denture framework, you should avoid some commercial cleaners as they may discolor/react with the titanium. Click on the button below for a current list of cleaners and whether or not there is an issue of use with titanium partials.
There are two schools of thought on this:
Take Them Out: this will then allow your gums that are covered by the dentures, to “self-cleanse” and relax from the pressure that is put on them by wearing dentures. If you have a partial denture or implant retained denture, then removing it at night will prevent you from putting forces on the teeth/implants. The concern with this is that you have the potential to close your jaws further than you should, which could lead to damage to your jaw joint and associated pain issues from that.
Leave Them In: this prevents you from closing too far and, theoretically, prevent damage to the jaw joint from closing too far. Of issue with this protocol, is that your gums are covered by the dentures all the time and, therefore, they can’t “self-cleanse” nor relax from the pressure of the dentures. If you have a partial or implant retained denture, then you are always putting some forces on those structures, and with a partial denture, there are parts covering your natural teeth that then promote the buildup of plaque which could lead to caries (cavities) in your teeth.
It is a decision for you, the patient, to make. If you prefer to keep your dentures in all the time, then please ensure that you do proper home care by removing and cleaning the dentures and brushing your gums in your mouth at least once a day. If you have a partial denture or implant retained denture, ensure that you are attending an Dental Hygienist to have professional cleanings done on a regular basis!
For some additional information on products that can assist you with your home care of your dentures, please visit this website.
Phone: 403-251-1522
Address: #245, 125 Oakmoor Plaza SW Calgary, Alberta T2V 4R9
Our Normal Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8-12:00 & 12:30-4 Alternate Fridays: 8-12
Other times can be arranged!
© 2025 by Oakridge Denture Centre Ltd. All rights reserved. Based in SW Calgary, Alberta (Canada) At Oakridge Denture Centre, we strive to provide the best in full-service denture services for complete, partial and implant dentures, including new dentures, replacement dentures, relines, maintenance of dentures, and also repairs. Call us today for information on our full denture services.
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