There are a variety of dentures available to meet the various needs of patients. Not all dentures are made the same, and patients should discuss the options with their provider before consenting to treatment.
At our southwest Calgary Denture Clinic, we utilized premium materials in all dentures. Premium quality materials provide for a more natural looking denture tooth, stronger and healthier denture base, which results in a better denture wearing experience. We provide these materials at no additional fee; they are not an “upgrade” in our clinic! We are an Ivoclar BPSTM practitioner and certified facility.
The number of appointments needed to complete new dentures is dependent on the type of dentures you select and specifics of your individual case.
Typical schedule of appointments can be found here:
Complete dentures are for those patients who are missing all of their natural teeth in one or both jaws.
Standard Complete dentures are normally completed in a five appointment system, and in our office, using high quality materials. We offer a variety of types of denture teeth to suit the particular case and patient’s desires.
Contact us for a consultation to discuss your needs.
Cost: $
Complete dentures are for those patients who are missing all of their natural teeth in one or both jaws.
Complex Complete dentures have more procedures to complete than with Standard dentures. They are normally completed in a six appointment system, and in our office, using highest quality materials. We offer a variety of types of denture teeth to suit the particular case and patient’s desires.
Contact us for a consultation to discuss your needs.
Cost: $$
Immediate or Surgical dentures are dentures that are made in advance of a patient having one or more of their natural teeth extracted. They can be Standard or Complex.
These dentures are provided as either a complete denture or partial denture depending on the patient needs.
In some cases conditions in a patients mouth are such that a normal Immediate/Surgical denture would not be practical and, therefore, a Temporary denture may be recommended.
All of these types of dentures require ongoing care and treatment following the extractions such as temporary relines, and will require either a permanent reline or replacement in 6-10 months after the teeth were extracted.
Contact us for a consultation to discuss your needs and the required ongoing care and treatement.
Cost: $ – $$
There are a variety of treatments which can be done with dental implants, that provide patients with a solution to regular dentures.
Dental implants have been used for over 60 years now; they are safe, bio-compatible, effective, and have excellent long-term use statistics. Dental implants are not normally a temporary treatment!
Dental implants can be used in the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both. Depending on the number of implants and there locations, will determine what type of dental restoration can be put onto them. For example, if you have a complete upper denture, and you have enough implants placed, you could end up with have a restoration that has nothing touching your palate!
Cost: $$$ – $$$$
When you are only missing a tooth or a few teeth, then the missing teeth can usually be replaced with a partial denture.
Partial dentures are composed of a “framework” and “denture base with denture teeth”. The framework is usually a rigid metal material of either Chrome-Cobalt, Titanium or Gold, and will “hook” onto your natural teeth in various specific locations with clasps.
In some instances, a flexible material can be utilized as opposed to rigid metal and if your remaining teeth are not strong and healthy, an acrylic transitional partial denture may be recommended.
Depending on your needs and desires, partial dentures can be provided via a Standard denture method or a Complex denture method, and they are either removable by you the patient, or fixed onto dental implants (see Implant Retained Dentures).
Alternatives to partial dentures can sometimes be provided by your family dentist; such as bridges or single tooth implant retained crowns. For those treatment, please contact your family dentist or we would be happy to provide you for a referral for such a service.
Cost: $ – $$, Fixed on Implants – $$$
Partial denture frameworks are made from various materials depending on the specific needs and/or wants of a patient.
Transitional (flipper) partial dentures are usually made from regular denture acrylic and may have clasps added to it. These appliances are usually meant for short-term use, such as between having a tooth extracted and an implant placed, or if there is a high probability of further tooth loss; this as these partial dentures can be added to relatively easy.
Cost: $
Flexible partial dentures are made from a variety of materials which are usually nylon based. They are now considered to be a longer-term use appliance. These types of framework are typically either not repairable or extremely hard to repair and most cannot be relined properly.
Cost: $ – $$
Cast partial dentures are considered a long-term appliance. These frameworks can be made from a number of materials as follows:
Chrome-cobalt partial denture frameworks are the industry standard material for cast partial dentures. The material is is an alloy of mainly chromium and cobalt metals.
Cost: $$
Titanium partial denture frameworks tend to be thinner and lighter in weight than Chrome-cobalt (approximately 35% lighter), have no metallic taste, and can be provide a better esthetic result due to the ability to put the clasps higher on a tooth (if possible). Dental titanium alloy is usually at least 90% titanium.
Cost: $$
Gold partial denture frameworks tend to be thicker and heavier and are typically used for lower partial dentures. The cost for gold partial denture frameworks has become extremely high due to the price of gold, making this a less financially appealing solution for most individuals. Pure gold is very soft; as such, dental gold alloy is formulated for dental use and contains various other metals in order to provide rigidity and a reasonable life expectancy.
Cost: $$$$
Phone: 403-251-1522
Address: #245, 125 Oakmoor Plaza SW Calgary, Alberta T2V 4R9
Our Normal Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8-12:00 & 12:30-4 Alternate Fridays: 8-12
Other times can be arranged!
© 2025 by Oakridge Denture Centre Ltd. All rights reserved. Based in SW Calgary, Alberta (Canada) At Oakridge Denture Centre, we strive to provide the best in full-service denture services for complete, partial and implant dentures, including new dentures, replacement dentures, relines, maintenance of dentures, and also repairs. Call us today for information on our full denture services.
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